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Chief Minister-Green Road Infrastructure Development Scheme- Urban

Urban Development Department, Government of Uttar Pradesh

CM GRIDS will develop new roads, retrofit or remodel existing roads based on the principled of "complete streets"

Roads undertaken in CM GRIDS will be complete streets. They will be safe, sustainable and inclusive with varied utilities promoting efficient mobility & economic growth.

Roads with RoW between 10 m and 45 m are eligible under CM GRIDS

In urban areas, the development of roads of 45 meters or more width is generally done by the National Highway Authority of India or Public Works Department in the form of National Highway or State Highway and the development of roads of less than 10 meters width is done by the ULBs through State/Centre Finance Commission, Mukhyamantri Nagar Srujan Yojana (CM NSY) and Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Nagar Vikas Yojana etc.


Roads developed under CM-GRIDS (Urban) will be accessible, friendly and safe for everyone including pedestrians, cyclists and specially abled citizens.

Within any city, most of the commercial and economic activities are conducted along the roads. Hence, integrated road network becomes one of the prime components of urban basic infrastructure. Due to increasing urbanization in the State, there is a great need to develop and enhance an integrated road network using innovative technology to reduce the burden of extra vehicles on the roads and to bring enhanced mobility in the means of transport.

ULB will be provided with specific grants by Urban Development Department to build roads between the RoW of 10 and 45 metres.

  1. Integration of civic amenities in a utility duct along the roads
  2. Tree plantation, green cover, drain, solar-based streetlights, footpaths, EV charging station, street furniture, signages
  3. Inclusive streets with universal access and safety features for everyone


Yes. Roads will be built by recycled materials and eco-friendly technologies using plastic waste. Rainwater harvesting, green cover will all be included while building the road.

All the roads constructed/redeveloped/retrofitted under CM-GRIDS will be cost effective and eco-friendly. These roads will be developed using waste (mainly plastic waste), Full Depth Reclamation (F.D.R)] Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP), white topping, artificial intelligence and other modern techniques and technologies.

Yes, all safety features for all age groups and specially abled people will be incorporated in the road design.

In phase-1 of the scheme (FY 2023-24), all the municipal corporations of the State are eligible to participate in the selection process.

Those urban local bodies who have increased their revenue collection by at least 15% in the current financial year as compared to the previous year will be eligible to receive grants under the scheme.

Urban local bodies who have increased their revenue collection between 15-25% will be given the grants equals the actual increase in the revenue. Urban local bodies who have raised their revenue beyond 25% will be eligible for double the actual raise amount. However, the grant to one ULB will be capped at ₹ 100.00 crore in a financial year.

At least 10% of the total grants received under the scheme will be borne by the urban local bodies. For this, 10% will be deducted from the SFC fund of the bodies and this amount will be used in the CM-GRIDS scheme.

IRC:SP:118-2018 Manual for Planning and Development of Urban Roads and Streets, and other applicable standards / guidelines of IRC, MoRTH, PWD or any other department.

Roads to be undertaken for redevelopment/retrofitting under CM GRIDS shall be shortlisted based on the road selection criteria. Each of the roads within the ULB will be scored based on the selection criteria and based on the score, a priority list shall be prepared. The broad selection parameters are as follows:

  • Traffic Load
  • Width of the road
  • Importance of the road for connectivity
  • Important intersection roads
  • Such roads which have been constructed for 5 years and whose maintenance period has been completed.
  • Bad pavement roads
  • Roads in need of major repair
  • Roads with poor geometry (poor geometry cause a lot of accidents)
  • Waterlogged roads

Each of the road within the ULB will be scored based on the selection criteria and based on the score, a priority list shall be prepared.

The Agency responsible for operation of CM GRID (Urban) will select the experienced road construction firms for construction of roads.

The firm who has constructed the road will operate and maintain the respective road for a period of 5 years after the construction.

Rs. 500 crore

Rs. 100 crore

All civic amenities will be incorporated by utility ducts.

Urban Road Infrastructure Development Authority (URIDA)

All the process starting from road selection, DPR preparation, DPR approval, tendering, fund transfer, monitoring and maintenance will be based on online mode.
IT based services like geo-tagging of work & photographs, UFMS based fund transfer, MIS for work progress and other services will be used for operation of CM GRIDS (Urban) scheme.

Through UFMS.

The ULB will appoint one of the experienced agencies, empaneled by URIDA to prepare feasibility reports of the roads to be undertaken under CM GRIDS.

  • Preparation of standards and guidelines for CM-Grids (Urban).
  • Providing grants under planning on the basis of increase in revenue collection of municipal bodies.
  • Preparation of "road selection criteria" for selecting roads for construction/reconstruction and making necessary amendments in it.
  • Improving the financial health of urban bodies through value capturing involving the government, urban bodies and citizens.
  • Organizing training programmes, seminars etc. for building appropriate capacity for development of road infrastructure in urban bodies.
  • To make efforts for eco-friendly and cost-effective roads using the latest and modern technology in the development of roads with the help of research institutes.
  • Development of 'Road Management System' for the maintenance of road and its related assets.

For monitoring and facilitating the implementation, operation and evaluation of CM-GRIDS (Urban)

Road Management System will map all the urban roads in Uttar Pradesh, create a geo-tagged repository and monitor the upkeep and maintenance of the roads.

Chief Secretary, Government of Uttar Pradesh

Principal Secretary (Urban Development), Government of Uttar Pradesh

Monitoring Committee will consist of: Hon'ble Minister (Urban Development), general body and executive body.