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Urban areas are known as the growth engines of the country. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of urban bodies in India. Roads are the most vital component of urban basic infrastructure. Most of the commercial and economic activities are conducted along the roads. Hence, integrated road network becomes one of the prime components of urban basic infrastructure. Due to increasing urbanization in the State, there is a great need to develop and enhance an integrated road network using innovative technology to reduce the burden of extra vehicles on the roads and to bring enhanced mobility in the means of transport.

A - Aim
  • Development of Integrated Green Roads
  • Cost effective green road construction with low carbon emissions
  • Promoting Urban Mobility
  • Safe roads and road junctions and intersections
  • To manage and maintenance of road assets
  • Efforts to make the urban bodies financially autonomous
  • Convergence of various schemes related to road construction
  • Development of spaces for parking and vending activities
B - Principles
  • Easy access and mobility to the transport system
  • Roads for all
  • Innovative use of road spaces
  • Stakeholder and Citizen Participation
  • Sensitivity to local context
  • Convergence between departments
  • Those urban local bodies who have increased their revenue collection by at least 15% in the current financial year as compared to the previous year will be eligible to receive grants under the scheme.
  • Those urban local bodies who have increased their revenue collection between 15-25% will be given the grants equals the actual increase in the revenue.
  • Those urban local bodies who have raised their revenue beyond 25% will be eligible for double the actual raise amount. However, the grant to one ULB will be capped at 100.00 crore in a financial year.
  • At least 10% of the total grants received under the scheme will be borne by the urban local bodies. For this, 10% will be deducted from the SFC fund of the bodies and this amount will be used in the CM-GRIDS scheme.
  • According to the guidelines set by the Indian Road Congress (IRC) for urban roads, only Sub-Arterial, Collector and Local Street, whose width (right of way) is more than 10 meters and less than 45 meters, are to be undertaken in CM-GRIDS.
  • Under the scheme, a bank account will be opened by the agency in the name of CM-GRIDS (Urban) at the headquarter level for transactions related to the scheme.

The entire planning and management of the scheme will be done through the online portal. Online modules will be developed for all its activities: -

  • Road Selection & Approval Module
  • Feasibility Report and DPR Module
  • Tendering & Procurement Module
  • Financial & Payment Module
  • Monitoring Module
  • Capacity Building & Training Module
  • Finalization of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP), manual, guidelines and policies by the agency.
  • Selection of roads on the basis of "Road Selection Criteria" and approval by the agency.
  • Allocation of funds to urban bodies on the basis of eligibility criteria.
  • Capacity building of ULB's officials and DPR Consultants
  • Preparation of DPRs based on approval of feasibility Report of the selected road(s) and sending the DPRs to agency for final approval.
  • Tendering activities by respective ULBs after final approval of DPRs by agency
  • Monitoring of construction works by the officers of the urban bodies and the monitoring committee constituted by the agency. For this, using geo-tagging, real time photographs, drone survey and other monitoring methods.

CM-GRIDS (URBAN) will have significant financial, economic, and social consequences. Increase in revenue collection of urban bodies, encouragement of economic activities and increase in residential land values will help in sustainable development of urban bodies. Development of integrated roads will help in developing fast, safe, environment friendly and accessible transport for all.


Roads to be undertaken for redevelopment/retrofitting under CM-GRIDS shall be shortlisted based on the road selection criteria. Each of the roads within the ULB will be scored based on the selection criteria and based on the score, a priority list shall be prepared.